Z – New Worship Book!

“We are publishing a new “worship collective” book designed to encourage worship leaders and to help others understand the challenges of serving as a worship leader.

You can share your worship experiences with others!

If you have a unique, inspiring worship ministry experience to share, we’d like to offer you the opportunity to contribute to this resource! Through your submissions, we are also hoping to help pastors and worship team members understand how to best relate to and support their worship leaders. To determine your story’s relevancy, please take a minute to consider these various groups and how they may benefit from reading your submission:

Who is this book for?

Current Worship Leaders

  • Am I the only worship leader experiencing this?
  • What can I learn from other worship leaders?
  • Do other worship leaders face the same challenges I deal with?
  • What are some interesting experiences other worship leaders are having?
  • What is God doing in churches similar to ours?

Potential Worship Leaders” asking:

  • What is it like being a worship leader?
  • Is becoming a worship leader something I’m really prepared for?
  • What can I learn from others who are currently leading worship?
  • What do worship leaders experience?

Worship Team Members thinking:

  • How are other worship teams similar to ours?
  • How do we compare to other worship ministries?
  • Are all worship leaders and congregations as unique as ours?
  • Are we experiencing similar results to other worship ministries?
  • What can we learn from other worship ministries?
  • What interesting situations are occurring for other worship teams?

Pastors inquiring:

  • How can I connect with and relate to my worship leader better?
  • What is it like being a worship leader?
  • What is my worship leader experiencing that I may be unaware of?
  • Are all worship leaders the same?
  • Do other worship ministries deal with similar issues to ours?
  • Is our church’s worship experience similar to others?
  • If I had a different worship leader, how would they possibly lead/be different?

Church Members and Others imagining:

  • Is it really more than just selecting a few songs for worship services?
  • What is it like to be a worship leader?
  • How can I be more understanding of my church’s worship team(s)?
  • And I thought our worship leader / team was interesting!

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